By following our recommended care instructions you will prolong the life of your purchase and be able to enjoy it for many years to come.

1. Always wash new towels before use
When you receive our towel, we recommend washing it before use. Also, if you receive the towel as a gift and will not use it for a while, please wash it once and store it for future use. The folds will weaken and the color will fade differently on the front and back if it is not washed for a while.
Water temperature should be set between normal tap water temperature and 40°C(104 °F).

2. Wash towels alone with plenty of water
The most important thing for washing Japarcana towels is to wash them in a sufficient amount of water. The large movement of the towel in the water will ensure that the dissolved sludge is washed away. Considering the damage to the fabric, it is ideal that the towel is not rubbing against clothing or other surfaces.
Although the washing machine automatically measures the amount of water, It is better to adjust the amount of water by yourself to make sure that the towel moves well in the water.

3. Avoid using excessive softener
While fabric softeners have an anti-static effect and make towels feel soft, they can also damage the natural absorbency of towels. To ensure long-lasting absorbency, we recommend avoiding the use of fabric softeners. Use a softener when you feel the towels becoming stiff.

4. Dry as soon as possible after dehydration
After dehydration, the pile has been crushed by centrifugal force. By leaving the pile in this state, the texture becomes stiff and squeaky. In addition, there is a risk of bacteria growth, causing a fresh dry smell, mold, and adverse effects on the human body. To prevent this, it is important to dry the towels as soon as possible after dehydration.

5. How to dry
After washing, shake the towel out before hanging it up to restore the pile that has been crushed in the wash. Also, we recommend drying in a well-ventilated shady place.

6. Drum-type washing machine
If you use a drum-type washing machine, it is recommended to use it in a single cycle from washing to drying.
Drum-type washing machines use less water to beat washing, which crushes the pile part. Drum dryers, however, use a moving drying method in which the tank is rotated and the fabric is lifted from the bottom to the top to be dried with moderate airflow. Therefore, the crushed pile is loosened and stands up well, resulting in a very fluffy finish.
For models with adjustable water volume and time, it is advisable to set the time longer than usual and the water volume to the maximum.

7. Use neutral detergents
If you do not want to lose the absorbency of your towels, we recommend a detergent without a fabric softener. We especially recommend a neutral detergent that does not include fluorescent whiteners.